



齋藤 一美(さいとう かずみ)




This is a “Temizuya/Chozuya”. “Temizuya” is a place to purify before praying to deities.


Originally, there was a hishaku, a ladle, in the Temizuya, but as a countermeasure against COVID 19, currently hishaku was removed at many shrines and temples.


At Meiji Jingu, the style was improved like this so that water is flushing little by little from several bamboo faucets.


It’s a little different because there is no hishaku, but the method of purification is to wash your left hand first, then wash your right hand, collect water in the palm of your left hand, and rinse your mouth with that water. After rinsing your mouth, wash your left hand again.


If you are reluctant to rinse your mouth here, you don’t have to do it.



This gate is located on the south side of the shrine and is called “Minami Shinmon or Main Gate”.


The original shrine buildings at the center, including the main shrine and worship hall, were burnt down by air raids in 1945. But this gate and the gates on both sides “Higashi Shinmon” and “Nishi Shinmon” and the surrounding buildings are the original buildings that survived.


The burnt-down shrine buildings were reconstructed in 1958.


And, at the time of reconstruction, the structure of the shrines lined up was changed and the roof was also changed from a thatched roof to a copper plate roof.


Moreover, a large-scale renovation of the shrine buildings was carried out for four years from 2016 to 2019 as part of the Meiji Jingu Shrine 100th Anniversary Project.


In December 2020, 36 shrine buildings, including the main shrine, inner worship hall, outer worship hall, and each shinmon or gate, were designated as national important cultural properties.



The large trees on the left in front of the worship hall are camphor trees. They were planted with saplings when Meiji Jingu was established in 1920. They are called “Meoto Kusu or Camphor Tree Couple” because the two trees look leaning against each other like a couple that was reminiscent of Emperor Meiji and his wife.


It is believed to grant a wish for romance and happy marriage.


The rope between the trees is called “Shimenawa”, and the hanging jagged white paper is called “Shide”.


These are often seen in shrines and represent a sacred place. It also has the role of a barrier that separates the sanctuary from this world and also has the meaning of warding off evil spirits.



This building is the outer worship hall. There is the inner worship hall in the back, and the main shrine is further in the back.


General visitors cannot enter the inner worship hall or the main shrine.


The main shrine enshrines the “spirit” of Emperor Meiji and the Empress, the deities of the Meiji Shrine.  


Their actual tomb is in Kyoto at the will of Emperor Meiji.


By the way, in the Shinto religion, it is believed that Kami or the deities do not stay in one place, but dwell in every place, and it is believed that they will descend to that place every time of worship.


And, at shrines, the object called “Goshintai,” for descending the spirit of Kami, is carefully stored and enshrined in the inner part of the main shrine so that it is not visible to the public.


Then it’s time to pray! I will explain how to pray at the shrine.


First, gently put the money in the offertory box. There is no fixed amount. It is most important to express gratitude.


Then, bow twice deeply, clap your hands twice, and pray with all your heart. Finally, bowing deeply again one more time.


Clapping hands has the meaning of calling Kami by making a noise, saying “I came to visit you!”.



Many small wooden plates hanging on the rack around the tree are called “Ema or votive tablets”, and they are dedicated to the shrine by writing a wish or gratitude for the fulfillment of the wish.


The “E” in “Ema” means “picture” and “ma” means “horse”.


Since ancient times it has been believed Kami rides on horses and descends into the world where humans live, and in the old days, living horses were dedicated to shrines.


After a while, horses made of wood, paper, soil, etc. were used as substitutes, and eventually, “Ema” depicting a horse became the mainstream.


Nowadays, the pictures drawn on “Ema” are not limited to horses, but there are various unique pictures and shapes of “Ema” depending on shrines.



“Omamori” and “Omikuji” are sold in this building.


“Omamori” is a lucky charm for warding off evil and receiving blessings, and it is believed that you can protect yourself from evil spirits and get benefit from it by always carrying it with you.


Inside the “Omamori”, contains an amulet made of paper, wood, or metal called “Goshinji”, where the deities dwell.


“Omamori” can be purchased at most shrines and temples, and there are many kinds of “Omamori” such as for good health, money, good luck, good matches, business, and so on.


Many types of Omamori are also sold at Meiji Jingu, but one of the unique and popular Omamori which is sold only here is “Kaiun Mokurin Kodama”, a wooden bell for good luck. This is made from the naturally broken “Goshinboku or the sacred trees” in the forest of Meiji Jingu.


And the “Omikuji” of Meiji Jingu is very special. The usual “Omikuji” is a paper on which fortune is written, but the Omikuji of Meiji Jingu is called “Omikokoro”, and “Waka” made by Emperor Meiji and the Empress is written.


“Waka” is a type of poetry that was born in Japan more than 1000 years ago. It has 31 syllables of “5,7,5,7,7”, and many of them express scenes and love, and anciently it was mainly written by the imperial family and aristocrats.


Emperor Meiji and the Empress liked to write “Waka” and were very good at it.


For “Omikokoro”, from many of  “Waka” written by Emperor Meiji and the Empress, 30 pieces have been selected which are the guideline for humanity and morality. It is also written in English translation.



This place may be particularly unique. It is used for vehicle purification rituals.

▶車などを持ち込むと、神社の神官が禍を祓う儀式を行い、事故のない安全運転を祈願してくれます。 人々は通常、新しい車を購入するときにこれを行います。

If you bring a car or any vehicle here, a shrine priest will perform a ritual to ward off bad luck and pray for safe driving without accidents. People usually do this when buying a new car.



How was Meiji Jingu? I hope you enjoyed the shrine and felt the healing power of the forest.


By the way, you can go back the same way, but if you like, why don’t you go back through another approach? There is also a lawn area behind the shrine, which is very quiet with few people, and the scenery that makes you completely forget that you are in the middle of the city!


From Kitasando, it takes about 5 minutes to reach “Kitasando Station” on the Fukutoshin Line or “Yoyogi Station” on the JR and Oedo Lines.


From Nishisando, it takes about 3 minutes to reach “Sangubashi Station” on the Odakyu Line.




創建 / Establishment
▶1920年11月1日 / November 1, 1920
御祭神 / Enshrined Kami, deities
▶明治天皇と昭憲皇后 / Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken 
境内面積 /Precinct area
▶約70万㎡ / 70ヘクタール/約175エーカー/ About 700,000 square meters or 70 hectares / About 175 acres
創建前の土地 / Land before the establishment
▶江戸時代初期 — 熊本藩/肥後藩 藩主・加藤家の別邸/ Early Edo period — The villa of the Kato family, the feudal lord of the Kumamoto/Higo domain
▶1640年以降 — 彦根藩 藩主・井伊家の下屋敷/ After 1640 — The suburban residence of the Ii family, the feudal lord of the Hikone domain 
▶1874年以降 — 皇室の御料地 / After 1874 — The Imperial Property
3つの参道 / Three approaches
▶南参道(原宿駅)/Minami Sando, Southern approach (Harajuku Station)
▶北参道(北参道駅、代々木駅)/Kita Sando, Northern approach (Kitasando Station, Yoyogi Station)
▶西参道(参宮橋駅)/ Nishi Sando, Western approach (Sangubashi Station) 
酒樽の数 / Number of Sake Barrels
ワイン樽の数 / Number of Wine Barrels
鳥居の数 / Number of Torii gate
大鳥居のサイズ / Size of Ootorii, Great or Second Torii Gate 
▶高さ12メートル、幅17.1メートル、 柱の直径1.2メートル、重さ13トン/ Height 12 meters, width 17.1 meters, pillar diameter 1.2 meters, weight 13 tons
社殿の主な建造物 / Main buildings of the shrine
▶本殿 / 内拝殿/ 内院渡廊 / 外拝殿 / 外院廻廊 / 玉垣/ Main Shrine / Inner Worship Hall / Inner Hall Connecting Corridor / Outer Worship Hall / Outer Hall Corridor / Fence around the Shrine
▶南神門 / 東神門 / 西神門/ Minami Shinmon, Main Gate / Higashi Shinmon, East Gate/ Nishi Shinmon, West Gate
※明治神宮HPの英語ページで「南神門」は”Main Gate”になっています。
▶神楽殿 / 手水舎 / 車祓舎 / Kaguraden, Hall of Shinto music and dance / Temizuya, Ritual Purification Building, Purification Trough / Vehicle Purification Building
鎮守の杜の樹木数 / Number of trees in the sacred forest
▶造営時 — 365種、約10万本/ At the time of construction — 365 species, about 100,000
▶2019年時点 —  234種、約3万6千本(残った木が巨木化/ As of 2019 — 234 species, about 36,000 (remaining trees become giant trees)
御苑に咲く花と見頃 / Flowers in the Garden and the best time to see
▶カタクリ(3月中旬〜4月初旬/ Dogtooth violet  (Mid March to early April)
▶ヤマブキ(3月下旬〜4月中旬)/ Japanese rose, Kerria  (Late March to mid-April)
▶フジの花(4月)/ Wisteria  (April)
▶山ツツジ(4月〜5月/ Azalea  (April to May)
▶花菖蒲(5月下旬〜6月下旬)/ Iris  (Late May to Late June)
▶スイレン(6月〜9月)/ Water lily  (June to September)





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